Friday, August 26, 2011

Photogs! 2

This is a group of us that hiked up Wusum Hill in Makeni.  It was quite the climb, and not really what I was expecting, but lets be honest, what in Africa isn't unexpected??  In the picture are Dylan, Sherry, Rachel, and Chris (along with a few tag-alongs on our hike).

This is Bob the baby, the 10 month old that was at my home stay house.  He's adorable.  His nic-name in the house was 'scatta-rampo' because he liked to 'scatter' or try to escape constantly.

Michael Jalloh!  He's the general manager for the Peace Corps in Freetown, but he's originally from Yele (my new home for the next 2 years) and he's very excited about a Peace Corps being sent there.  He's been very very nice and welcoming and making sure that plenty of people in Yele are cooking for me.

The Spice Girls!  I don't think the internet here could handle trying to upload the video of our awe-inspiring performance at the talent show, so that will be a little treat waiting in store for ya'll when I get home (or access to better internet).  From the left we have: Baby (Elizabeth), Scary (Amy), Ginger (Christina), Posh (Chelsea), and Me (Sporty-duh).

Me and Amy at swearning in.

Mi padi!  From the left: Jared (also hailing from the great state of Oregon), Drew, Elizabeth, me, and Josh.

1 comment:

  1. ohmygoodness it looks like you are having so much fun!!! i wish you were able to upload the spice girls video because it sounds EPIC! :) hope you are having a blast & cannot wait to hear about more of your amazing adventures!

